Olix ...speed up your desktop


Olix is lightweight desktop environment based on IceWM and ROX-Filer. Main goal of Olix is desktop environment which is user friendly, easily configurable and... fast.

So what exactly is Olix? It's set of scripts and programs ;-).

At first sight, it's script which starts IceWM (window manager) and ROX-Filer (background and additional panels) and some other programs. At second sight, it's set of configuration utilities for configuring this desktop env.

Main features of olix-desktop:



Requirements: olix-desktop is based on using other apps, so there are some requirements

Download from sourceforge.net (deb, rpm, tar.gz is available)

Debian users can add this line into /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xprovazn/olix/debian testing main

Insight Strategy, a. s.
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